We're ready to open
the phone lines.
Today's topic:
0ur guests,
Undersecretary Simon Dryden...
undersecretary = in the US, an important government
official whose rank is below secretary
... and Sammy
Davis, Jr.
Hi, you're on the air.
on the air = on radio or television
Hello, Larry? ALF.
Yes, ALF. We haven
't heard from you
in a day or two
now. How are you?
- Fine, Lare. How's
the sore knee?
- Coming along.
Sammy, shalom.
shalom = used as a way of saying ‘hello’ and
‘goodbye’.. Shalom is the Hebrew word for ‘peace’.
So, what's up?
what's up = what is the matter?
Well, I've got the
solution to this nuclear-bomb thing.
Great. Let's hear
Get rid of them.
They're dangerous.
Mr. Dryden,
would you like to
Well, I think what
you've done...
... Mr. ALF, is
oversimplify the problem, somewhat.
Here it comes,
Brian, better go get the shovel.
Mom, ALF is on the
phone again.
I know, but it
keeps him out of the kitchen.
- Where is your
- I don't know.
- Mom, I need to
use the phone.
- In a minute,
ALF, would you turn that down?
turn down = make the sound quieter
Sorry, Lare. Just
some static.
Honey, hi. Where
have you been?
Hi, Kate. I'm sorry
I'm so late.
Daddy, I have got
to get my own phone.
Oh, fine, thank
you. And you?
Hi, B and A.
Why didn't you
I'm sorry, I tried
to call but somebody's been on the phone.
Hey, cut me a break.
cut me a break = give me a break
I'm trying to save
your planet
from nuclear
devastation, all right?
Well, then, go
right ahead.
Nothing, Lare. Just
a domestic spat.
spat = a short argument
Daddy, this is
totally unfair.
All right,
we'll look into call waiting, okay?
look into = to try to discover the facts about something
Call waiting won't
I need my own phone
Kathy McDermott has
her own phone line...
...and her family
doesn't even have an alien.
Would they like
Willie, she's
We have to talk to
ALF about the phone.
Right. ALF.
Yeah, but what do
you do
when your sister glows in the dark?
glows = shines with a soft light
Oh, sorry. I didn't
know that.
Brian, sit on the
couch and finish your homework.
I'm gonna order some Chinese food.
gonna = going to
Listen, we've gotta talk about
gotta = got to
this phone thing.
Sorry, Dryden, no
but we're getting nowhere here.
getting nowhere = to fail to achieve something, or to fail
to be successful
Yeah, I may have to
go over your head.
go over your head = to go to a more important or powerful
person in order to get what you want:
I was furious that he went over my head and
complained to my manager.
Who's your boss?
The president of
All 50 of them?
There are 50 states
in the USA.
- ALF, would you
- Well, where is
Well, don't they
have a phone
on the president's
Yeah. Yeah, right.
Well, why don't you
just give me that
Yeah, go ahead. What?
go ahead = to start or continue to do something,
especially after waiting for permission
What do you mean?
Well, fine, be that
I'll look it up.
look smth up = find
All right, listen
to me,
and listen
The use of the
is a privilege
around here...
...not an inalienable right,
inalienable right = an inalienable right cannot be taken away
from you or given to someone else
and I mean just
If you don't start
some consideration
for us...
...that privilege
will be revoked.
revoke = to officially say that something is no
longer legal, for example a law or a document
Is that clear?
I can't concentrate
here with all this noise.
Listen, Brian, when
your dad's
through yelling at
...come on out with
to the garage, all
ALF, I'm talking to
Not now, Willie, not
I'm on a mission.
Call me when
dinner's ready.
Dad, why are you so
mad at ALF?
When you grow up
and have an alien
of your own...
Meet George Jetson
The Jetsons is an
American animated sitcom (a television or radio series about a particular
group of characters who deal with situations in a humorous way).
His daughter, Judy
His boy, uh...
His boy, uh...
Hey, Willie, quick.
What's the Jetson
kid's name? Leroy?
- Elroy.
- That's it.
Now listen, ALF,
the food came.
I thought maybe we
could eat out here...
...have a little
I'd like that.
What happened here?
That's twice-cooked pork.
twice-cooked pork is a Chinese dish. The dish's ingredients
include pork, which is simmered, sliced and stir fried, and commonly stir
fried vegetables such as cabbage, bell peppers, onions, or scallions with a
Looks like
twice-eaten pork.
All right, ALF,
listen. I'm not sure
I had your full
attention earlier...
I hate to interrupt
but could you hand me a screwdriver?
hand = give, pass
- Yeah, sure.
- Philips.
- Here you go.
Here you go. = used when you are offering or giving
something to someone
- Thanks.
You know, ALF,
we've all got to
do our part to get along here.
get along = be friendly to each other
- You see, a family
is like...
- Pliers.
pliers = a metal tool that looks like a strong pair
of scissors, used for holding small objects or for bending or cutting wire
Yes, or a crescent wrench.
crescent wrench
Each one adjusts to
each little situation
as need be...
- Hand me the
- Oh, yeah.
Listen, here's what
I'm trying to say.
Go for it.
Go for it = used for encouraging someone to do
something or to try very hard
It's a question of
...and cooperation,
of course.
And courtesy.
The three C's:
courtesy and respect.
Well, two C's and
an R,
but you see what I
mean, huh?
Absolutely. Look,
would you hold
this wire while I
turn on the juice?
juice = something such as fuel or electricity that
makes an engine or machine work
- Sure.
- Right there.
You know, that's my
shortwave radio.
Do you know how
long I...?
It took me 10 years
to put that thing together.
I'm glad to see you
haven't wasted your life.
First the phone and
now the radio.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What about the
You're on it all
the time.
Hey, operators are standing by.
stand by = be ready to do smth
I've got calls to
It's got to stop.
Fine. First, I
can't use the radio,
now I can't use the
What next?
The curling iron? Your toothbrush?
curling iron
You used my
Yours is the green
one, right?
It was.
All right, what's the big deal?
What's the big deal? = used for showing that you do
not think that something is very important
I'll use Kate's.
You're not using
anybody's toothbrush.
Okay, no
What about the
All right, just
don't put it in your mouth.
Thanks. I'll be through in a minute...
be through = finish doing smth
...as soon as I
contact Air Force One.
The president's
No, no. You can't
do that.
Willie, it's my
I mean... I mean,
I've been through
one nuclear
disaster already.
It's no picnic.
no picnic = not easy or enjoyable
Nuclear? You mean,
that's how your
planet exploded?
No. We all plugged
our hair dryers in
at the same time.
Listen, ALF, even
if you could
figure out how to call the president...
figure out = be able to understand something or to
solve a problem
...you'd never get through
get through = be connected by telephone
because that
signal's scrambled.
scramble = change the form of a radio message so that
only someone with special equipment can understand it
So it's illegal
to break a
scrambled signal...
...and it's
What about you and
I beg your pardon.
Well, last week we all
Tootsie on HBO.
Tootsie is a 1982 American comedy film.
HBO (Home Box Office) is an American
premium cable and satellite television network.
Isn't HBO
- Well, yes, but...
- But what?
Seeing that you
don't pay for HBO,
isn't what you're
doing illegal?
Absolutely not.
They gave us a
two-week free trial
and they forgot to unhook it.
unhook = disconnect
Just put the radio
back together
when you're
No problem.
You gonna eat this
No, but leave it.
I'd like to see
what it does
when it wakes up.
George Jetson
His boy, Elroy
Air Force One,
Hogarth speaking.
How may I help you,
sir or madam,
as the case may be.
ALF who?
Mr. DeFoe.
Not now, Hogarth.
I'm winning.
Yes, sir.
But perhaps you
should take this call.
What does she want
It's not your wife,
It's someone
calling himself "ALF"
and he wants to
talk to the president.
What? How did he
get the code?
I don't know. Maybe
from your wife.
That's a joke, sir.
Not funny, Hogarth.
Apparently not,
- Do you wanna talk
to ALF?
- ALF who?
I don't know, sir.
All he said was ALF.
Maybe it stands for some radical,
stand for = if a letter, an abbreviation, or a symbol
stands for something, that is what it means or represents:
The letters US stand for United States.
subversive, commie,
pinko group.
subversive = intended to destroy the power or influence
of a government or an established belief
commie = communist
pinko = having communist tendencies
Could be a family
- Could you just look it up?
look up = find
- Looking, sir.
And get me a trace on this call.
trace on this call = discover where the call comes
- Tracing, sir.
- Punch up the speaker.
punch up = switch on
- You should listen
to this.
- Punching and
listening, sir.
Hello? Can I help
It's about time.
It's about time = this should have happened long time ago
Is that you, Mr.
No, this is Mr.
The president is
not available.
It's an airplane,
how far can he be?
He's indisposed.
indisposed = unable to do smth
What does that
He can't come to
the phone now.
Why not?
He's busy.
Doing what?
He's in the
Oh, he's
- What do you want?
- Well, tell him
it's about the bombs.
Bombs, sir?
What bombs would those
The bombs we're
thinking about using.
Listen, tell the
president I'm serious
and time is running out.
time is running out = if time is running out, you do
not have long to do something
I'd like to settle
before anybody
pushes any buttons.
- Hogarth.
- Yes, sir.
- What've you got
on A-L-F?
- Well, so far...
...we got the
American Laundry Federation...
...and the
Association of Lawn Fertilizer.
Shall we round them up?
round smb
up = find and arrest them
Tracing's complete,
Mister, about those
Shall I interpret
this to be a threat?
0f course it's a
What kind of
question is that?
That's all I wanted
to hear.
Get me the FBI.
Okay, I think I
solved it.
Everybody give me
your attention.
What are we
- Tootsie.
- Oh, no.
Let's not watch
Let's not watch
I want to show you
my chart.
ALF: Yo, Willie.
- Yeah. What?
Quick question:
What does FBI stand for?
stand for = if a letter, an abbreviation, or a symbol
stands for something, that is what it means or represents:
The letters US stand for United States.
Federal Bureau of Investigation. Why?
Bureau of Investigation = The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the domestic
intelligence and security service of the United States.
Just curious.
Well, what do you
It's very nice,
This shows our
whole family, aliens inclusive...
...and when each of
us can use the phone.
Oh, honey, I'm
but Brian can't
stay up till 11:00.
Oh, no, that's a
We'll switch that
with Lynn's time
to call her
Daddy, Lash can't
stay up until 11:00.
Who am I going to
call at 4 a.m?
I know it's not
perfect, but it's a start.
- Howdy.
Howdy = a word that some people use as an informal
way of saying ‘hello’
- Hi.
Sorry to bother
you, but I was wondering
if Willie Tanner
might be in.
- Oh, speaking.
- Oh, excellent.
- FBI.
- You have the right to remain silent.
Miranda warning is a warning given by the police
to criminal suspects.
- Daddy!
- What are you
AGENT: Anything you say can and will...
- Mommy, make them
Please! Please,
leave him alone.
We'll just be a
minute. Let's go, pal.
pal = informal word for “friend”
- And we'll take
this too.
- No, not my chart.
- Sorry for the
trouble, ma'am.
- Why are you doing
It's the law,
This is what
happens when someone
threatens national
Nice meeting you.
WILLIE: Oh, hello,
Mrs. Ochmonek.
Mom, what did he
I don't know.
Hey, what's going
Daddy's been
Boy, those HBO guys mean business.
Boy! = a phrase used to express admiration or
I can't believe ALF
actually used
your shortwave to
call the president.
I don't know what
All I know,
somebody used my radio.
And now I'm a
and they're gonna
hang me.
Willie, I don't
they hang people
But they think I'm
a threat
to national
security, a terrorist.
...I'm not a
Honey, I know that.
They fingerprinted me.
fingerprint = make the copy of one’s fingerprints
It washes right
wash off = remove by washing
I'm not going to
I saw Midnight Express, do you remember?
Midnight Express is a 1978 prison drama film.
They made him eat
That was Papillon.
Papillon is a 1973 prison drama film.
In Midnight
Express, they broke his feet.
I stand corrected.
I stand corrected. = a phrase used for saying that
you accept that you are wrong about something
How about Stir Crazy?
Stir Crazy is a 1980 American comedy film about
down-on-their-luck friends who are given 125-year prison sentences after
being framed for a bank robbery. While in prison they befriend other inmates
and ultimately escape.
- That wasn't so
- That was a
Willie, stop. It's
you have to tell
the truth.
Well, of course,
the truth.
I'll just explain
it to them.
An alien took
control of my radio.
"Why would he
do that?" They'll ask.
And I'll say,
because I wouldn't
let him use the
Maybe we can clear
this whole thing up
without having to
tell the truth.
The truth is I never
should have let ALF
anywhere near my
Okay. Okay, maybe
it was wrong of ALF
to call the
- Maybe?
- All right.
Okay, it was wrong.
But you have to
respect him
for the way he
feels about nuclear war.
I think it's commendable that he's willing
commendable = deserving praise and admiration
to send me to jail
for his beliefs.
At least he cares
about something other than food.
Great. Now he cares
nuclear war and
Sorry, ma'am. I
need a moment alone
with the alleged traitor.
alleged = supposed
traitor = someone who tells secrets about their own
country to a country that is its enemy
Willie, I'll be
right back.
I'm gonna see
what's taking that lawyer
so long. You wait
Right. Sorry.
Good afternoon,
I need to talk with
you about this.
Just who are all
these people...
...and why are they
on the phone
all the time?
Watch this. It's my
favorite part.
Why is Dad on TV
He's not. I taped it.
tape = record audio or video on tape
You taped my dad's
Yeah, thought he
might like to catch it
when he gets out of
the slammer.
the slammer = informal word for prison
See what he looked
like when he was young.
ALF, I mean it.
Sometimes I don't
understand you at all.
- Tell her, Brian.
- He's an alien.
Okay, but besides
Don't you get
what's happened here?
My dad got arrested
because of you.
Don't you even
I feel terrible.
He's my Willie.
My goombah.
goombah = close friend
It just doesn't
seem like it sometimes.
Hey, I haven't
forgotten about him.
In fact, I'm
working on something right now.
All right, now
look, the FBI's got him, right?
- Right.
- And who gives the
orders to the FBI?
- The president,
- Right.
No problem.
The big guy and I
are like that.
Come on, Brian,
let's go spring Daddy.
spring = release from prison
May I suggest
playing that black seven
off the red eight?
May I suggest
you answer the
phone, Hogarth?
Yes, sir.
Air Force One.
How may I help you,
sir or madam?
Oh. Hello, ALF.
Mr. DeFoe, it's
- Him who, Hogarth?
- It's ALF, sir.
That's not
possible, we got him.
Unless there's a
whole nest of them.
- Hogarth.
- Yes, sir.
A-L-F. I have
the Alabama Lunatic Fringe.
Lunatic Fringe = Lunatic fringe is a term used to
characterize members of a political or social movement as extremists with
eccentric or fanatical views.
Will you see if
Willie Tanner's still in jail?
Yes, sir.
You might try that four of spades
on the five of diamonds.
Just place the call
and trace this one.
Placing and
tracing, sir.
DeFoe, here.
Yo, DeFoe. Remember
How about putting the chief on?
put smb on (the telephone) = to pass the telephone to
someone so they can speak to the person you have been talking to
Wait a minute, Mum,
I’ll put Joe on.
I'm sorry, he's
You mean,
he's in the
bathroom again.
That's classified.
classified = classified information is officially
secret and allowed to be known by only a few people connected with the
government or armed forces
- What do you want
- Listen, no
...but last time we
things got all messed up.
messed up = complicated
I'll call back when
he's out.
No, no.
I'll see what I can
Hello, sir.
I'm sorry to bother
you in there,
but we have this
little situation.
I wonder if you
could talk to someone
while we trace his
Yes, sir, on the phone.
Thank you, sir.
Line 2.
Line 2, sir.
One more.
Count from the
There you go.
Listen, I know
you're a busy guy, so I'll make this brief.
Willie Tanner is in
jail and I think it's my fault.
- 0h, really?
- Yeah, he's
He didn't call you,
I did.
- This sounds
pretty complicated.
- Yeah, but it
shouldn't have been.
You see, all I
wanted to do
was talk to you
about your bombs.
Oh, now look,
you're not gonna bring up
the Bonzo films again.
Bedtime for Bonzo is a 1951 comedy film starring
future U.S. President Ronald Reagan. It is about a professor teaching a
I was under
contract. I had no choice.
No, no, no. Not
those bombs.
The nuclear ones.
We've only got one
so why don't you
and the Russkies...
the Russkies = (offensive) the Russians
...ease up a little, will you?
ease up = become more friendly to each other
I'm, uh... I'm sure
we'll do...
... everything we
Hope I haven't
oversimplified the problem.
Hold on.
Hold on = do not hang up the phone
They did?
Goody, thank you.
Mr. ALF? We're
sending someone around right now...
... to follow up on this thing.
follow up on = to check on the work someone has done
You just sit tight,
You too.
Loved Patti's book.
Patti Davis is an Americsan actress and author. She is
the daughter of Ronald and Nancy Reagan. She was widely criticized for her
first novel, "Home Front", published in 1986.
Perfect. They're on
their way.
They're not coming
here to help.
They're coming here
to arrest us
like they arrested
Brian, Brian get a grip.
get a grip = control your emotions and stay calm
You think your old
buddy ALF
would get his
family in hot water...
in hot water = in trouble
...if he didn't
have a foolproof backup plan?
foolproof = a foolproof method, plan, or system is so
well designed that it cannot go wrong or is certain to succeed
- Sure.
- Of course he
But this time, I
have a plan.
FBI! Freeze!
Freeze! = Don’t move!
Wait a minute.
Who are you?
Me? I'm ALF.
ALF Tanner.
You're ALF?
- How old are you?
- Six.
- But I'm going on
- I thought I heard
Good afternoon.
Good to see you
Doing something
different with your hair?
What are you doing
Brian, what's going
on here?
- I thought his
name was ALF.
- ALF?
What do you mean,
his name is ALF?
Oh, ALF.
Yes. Yes, of
course, it is.
I mean, his real
name is Brian...
...but we call him
ALF, for short.
Kind of a pet name.
pet name = an informal friendly name for a friend or
member of your family
Ma'am, were you aware that ALF
be aware (of smth) = know, be informed
was using this
radio equipment?
Well, no, I was not
But, yes, I am
becoming aware of it now.
Brian, what did we
say about calling the president?
- I don't know.
- We said not until
after your homework.
Oh, right.
Surely, you don't
think an innocent little child like this...
...could be a
to national
Well, ma'am...
Would you excuse us
for a minute, please?
What do you think?
- About what?
- About what she
just said.
Could national security
be threatened by a 6-year-old?
Well, he's going on
Still. The
president would not want us to arrest a little kid.
It would embarrass
Then, we shouldn't
do it.
Excuse me, are you
arresting my son?
Not at this point
in time, ma'am.
Thank goodness.
What about
releasing my husband?
I'm afraid we'll
have to call the president on that.
I'll call him for
No problem.
KATE: Here we go. Reach in there.
Here we go. = an expression used when something is about
to begin or arrive.
reach in = to stick one's hand into something to
grasp something:
Bob reached into the cookie jar and found it
WILLIE: Let's see.
A Presidential Commendation.
Presidential Commendation = an official prize given by
President to someone who has done something very good or brave
Isn't that
"To Brian
'ALF' Tanner...
...for exposing gaps
in national security...
...and for his
concern about world peace...
...which is
that I'm in favor of myself."
be in favor of = support
All right, Brian. Way to go.
Way to go. = used for telling someone that they have
done something well, or that you are proud of their achievement:
Way to go, Mary! Keep up the good work.
"I'm reminded
of my humble beginnings...
humble = from a low social class
...when I built a crystal set...
crystal set = a crystal radio receiver, also
called a crystal set or cat's whisker receiver, is a very simple radio
receiver, popular in the early days of radio.
...in the basement
of my parents' home
in Illinois...
...or Iowa."
Hey, can you hold it down?
hold it down =limit the amount of something (noise,
- My show is coming
- What's the matter
with you?
Oh, nothing.
It's not like I had something to do with that plaque myself.
have something to do with = to be connected with
plaque = a flat piece of metal or stone that is
hung on a wall or building for decoration, or to give information
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I feel terrible.
Didn't I thank you?
Did I not say
...for subjecting me
subject someone to something = to make someone experience
something unpleasant
to public humiliation...
humiliation = something that makes you feel very
embarrassed and ashamed
...for almost
costing me my job...
...for landing me in jail,
land smb in [a place] = to cause someone to be in an
unpleasant situation or place:
She landed up in hospital with a broken leg.
for subjecting
Hold that thought,
will you, William?
The show is on.
Larry's discussing the
Middle East crisis...
...with Muammar al-Qaddafi and Charo.
Muammar al-Qaddafi was a Libyan revolutionary and
politician who governed Libya as its primary leader from 1969 to 2011.
Charo is a Spanish-American actress,
comedian, and flamenco guitarist. She is best known for her flamboyant stage
presence, her provocative outfits, and her trademark phrase,
Daddy, about the
I know. I had a lot
of time to think in jail...
...and I decided
it's probably worth
the $25, or
whatever, for your own line.
Oh, Daddy, thanks.
Yeah, that's swell.
swell = (American English) very good
Make it a Princess,
will you?
It's not for you.
It's for her.
What are you
getting me?
I'm getting you
your own toothbrush.
Never mind. You'll
thank me.
Yo, Charo.
Transcripts of TV series in English. Learn English watching the episodes! Difficult words, idioms, phrasal verbs are explained. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.
ALF. Season 1, episode 4 (uncut version)
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